As you can see by the pic, I have finally accepted the fact that I live in Utah and am a resident thereof. I registered my car and got a UT drivers license. This was a long time coming but I kept dragging my feet and didn't want to give up my Nevada license plate. But in the end with my Nevada drivers license expiring it seemed wise to become a resident of UT.
This isn't all bad though, now I can make questionable driving decisions and people will write it off to me being a UT driver. (ha ha) Also I can now purchase guns here. I love exercising my 2nd Amendment rights.
I am pretty sure, though, that I will be teased now by certain members of my family whom I used to tease about being from Utah (Natalie). All well, I'm ready.
On a different note, can anyone see where my chin starts in this picture? This desk job is really killing my good looks. I hate to admit this but I think I need to start exercising regularly. Although I've been pretty active my entire life, I have never really had to exercise to keep from getting fat. Sad day.
that's okay Jamon, we'll talk to you(ha, Ha).
Great picture!
Jamon! I'm so glad I found your blog! Just embrace your's totally cool :). I don't like the new license plates though--it feels like we're supporting the U of U, what with the red and the nearly identical font. Alas and alack.
Hey Jamon,
Nice blog. Welcome to Utah residency! :) Was your picture taken at Gettysburg?
I can't believe you are actually a Utah resident! I knew you would be converted to the Utah ways as soon as you started saying "melk" instead of "milk"! Don't worry I won't rub it in, but I do remember the torment....about the chin, that seems to be Camerons #1 concern lately too, and he even works out regularly. I showed him an excercise that is supposed to work your chin - they taught it to the members of the Tabernacle choir so they could reduce their chins and look better on TV. (serious)!
Jamon! What are you thinking?! Giving up your Nevada/non-Utah identity is a major thing. It's all good though; we still think you're cool.
I didn't notice the chin until you said something. It's not bad. Just make sure you keep playing though. Weston got a lot skinnier when he had a desk job. He lost muscle. Desk jobs...sheesh!
I didnt notice your chin. But if you want to, you can work out with me while you are here. I will be getting up at 5:30 and....just kidding. Your on vacation. Like Carrie said, just keep playing, and spend some extra money on fresh fruit. J-me
Eh James...any news on my DVD?
Jamon! You won't catch me dead with Utah plates. I still consider it a big blessing NOT to live in Utah.
On a side note, 170 wow. Keep it up and you'll be the first Andelin to 200. No but seriously, you gotta make a change. You do have a nice blog though; and you are really great
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